To make a donation by credit card, please click one of these buttons:

We get 100% of your donation when you use PayPal Giving Fund!


You do not need to have a PayPal account (you can pay as a guest) and you can also set up monthly donations.

PayPal only charges 1.99%


Apple Pay

Apple Pay has a higher credit card fee.

Venmo only charges 1.9%.


We get ~98% of your donation when you use Facebook/Instagram.



To make a donation by check, please make it payable to “Peace Sisters” and mail it to:


Peace Sisters

PO Box 534

281 East Colorado Blvd

Pasadena, CA 91102


Credit Card receipts will be emailed automatically, and we will mail a paper receipt for donations by check. Please contact us through this form with any questions about your donations.


Thank you for your support!!


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